Add That to the List!

There are few things I love more than crossing off completed projects from my to do list. I find that as a stay @ home momma I have a constant notepad of lists accumulating at any one time. But, there is something I’ve slowly come to learn about those lists. They are never complete!  The moment that last load of laundry has gone in, I will always find a few straggling socks and underwear that missed their turn, then a few more days pass and the basket fills again, and I am right back to “finish the laundry” on that list. 

I just completed my first ever craft market and you can bet, I had lists. Then, I made lists of my lists.  And, you know what?  EVERYTHING got crossed off until the next market comes up on my calendar! How thrilling is that?? 🤗

I have found more joy in sewing these projects, and even to kind of start thinking like a small business owner, in the last several months than I imagined  I would. I went from “how fun is it to remember how to sew a few things” to imagining where I could take this. Never in a million years did I think any of that would fill my tank, but it really does. 

I am thankful I get to stay at home with my girl (my whole life I saw it as my dream job yet not always easy! 😩) and wouldn’t give that up. What I have also discovered, though, is that there were really meaningful elements to my “old” jobs that I loved and even miss a little bit. I got to set goals, brainstorm important topics, move forward with ideas, plan, problem solve, and yes, make lists. That may be part of why I find this so satisfying.  It allows me to do a bit of what I have done in the past and make it work with my current dream job of being a mom. 

I look forward to another craft market coming up in the next few weeks, and even adding a few new projects to my ever growing bins of fleece booties and slippers. I am loving dreaming up what I might need (or want!) to do. I love it.

For now, next on my to do list for this Family Day (aren’t Monday’s off the best?!):

  • Make bacon and eggs for my family and get outside to enjoy some time together!